SteRo - future biogas

SteRo mixing technologies GmbH is a merger of two companies that have been active in the biogas market for many years, Steverding Rührwerkstechnik and PTM, with the aim of creating innovations that revolutionize and optimize the biogas market.

Innovation Award - EuroTier 2022

Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, dass der von uns entwickelte SensoStream auf der EuroTier 2022 mit dem Innovation Award ausgezeichnet wurde.

Biogas - yesterday, today, tomorrow

Biogas is and will remain a sustainable raw material. In a world that seems to be destroying itself more and more, it is our task to promote this sustainable raw material.
This can only be achieved through progress and new developments.

Our products at a glance

Whether large horizontal agitators, vertical agitators or submersible mixers. With our founders (see "The company"), we have decades of experience in-house, so that projects can be implemented in the best possible way.

The SensoStream is a device for controlling an agitator. It enables the measurement of the speed, the viscosity, the possible floating layer to optimize the stirring process. System operators can use the SensoStream to control their system in such a way that maximum gas yield is possible.

Developments, improvements and innovations - that's what we strive for. But even the best theory needs to be tested.
Through our experience in the development of new products, we know that it is not easy to check the theories. Corresponding test stands often do not exist and have to be built first.
Based on our own experience, we have therefore included the development and construction of test stands in our portfolio.